Tier & Natur in MV Rostock


Holding Time:2018-03-24 to 2018-03-25

Fair Lieu:HanseMesse Zur HanseMesse 1-2, 18106 Rostock, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany


Fair Organizer:Rostocker Messe- und Stadthallengesellschaft mbH

Aperçu de l'exposition

The Tier & Natur in MV aims to establish itself as a meeting place for animal lovers in northeastern Germany. It will be held in Rostock in the Landesmessezentrum Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. In the spring, pet owners will find a plethora of products and services for their pets. In demonstrations and workshops breeders, veterinarians and animal welfare organizations inform them about the welfare of domestic animals as well as their protection and care. Nature lovers will also inform the visitors about how their pets live in the wild and how their habitats are protected. National parks, nature centers and nature education facilities present a number of projects about the domestic nature.

On the whole the organisers welcomed on the 2 days of the fair, from 07. March to 08. March 2015, about 60 exhibitors and 16805 visitors on the Tier & Natur in MV in Rostock.

The Tier & Natur in MV will take place on 2 days from Saturday, 24. March to Sunday, 25. March 2018 in Rostock.

Informations de contact

Tel:+49 (0)381 4400110

Fax:+49 (0)381 4400200


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Aujourd'hui Expo


Expo Prévisions

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