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Yigang Printing & Packaging Co. Ltd is a manufacturer and trading company, located in Guangzhou city, Guangdong province., We specialized manufacturer of packaging products and paper printing products.
We mainly manufacture paper gift boxes and bags, gift packaging boxes, chocolate box, wine box, jewellery box, cosmetic box, candy box, perfume box, shopping bag, greeting cards, postcards, tags, labels, notebooks, diaries, calendars, file holders, books, and magazines and many ...[detailed]
We mainly manufacture paper gift boxes and bags, gift packaging boxes, chocolate box, wine box, jewellery box, cosmetic box, candy box, perfume box, shopping bag, greeting cards, postcards, tags, labels, notebooks, diaries, calendars, file holders, books, and magazines and many ...[detailed]
- Adresse de la société: Room2511, Zhongxin Building, Baogang Da Dao268#, Haizhu, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China 510240
- Contact:
- Numéro de téléphone portable 86-20-62393259
- Tél .: 86-20-62393258
- Email:
- Site Internet:
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