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brunei flag with gold fringe for ceremonies, parades, and indoor display
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brunei flag with gold fringe for ceremonies, parades, and indoor display
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brunei flag with gold fringe for ceremonies, parades, and indoor display


brunei's national flag is rectangular, with a 2:1 ratio of length to width. It is composed of yellow, white, black and red colors. The yellow flag on the ground horizontal slanting black, white wide bar, the center painted with red national emblem. The yellow on the flag represents the supremacy of Sudan. Later, in honor of the two successful princes, the sultan decided to add black and white stripes to the flag. On january 1, 1984, brunei declared full independence and its flag is still in use today.

  • 100% made IN THE USA - Not just assembled in the USA but manufactured here, too.

  • straightforward shipping FEES - $9 flat rate shipping per order.

  • THE BIG picture - this is a ceremonial flag with gold fringe trim. though it is designed for indoor use, it can be used outdoors for shorter periods of time when weather conditions are dry--in a parade, for example.

  • flag details - High-quality, 200 denier nylon material. gold fringe. finished with a pole sleeve.

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