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National Flag, Beach Flag, Hand Flag, Car Flag, Garden Flag
gabon flag 12'' x 18'' wood stick - gabonese flags 30 x 45 cm - banner 12x18 in with pole
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gabon flag 12'' x 18'' wood stick - gabonese flags 30 x 45 cm - banner 12x18 in with pole
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gabon flag 12'' x 18'' wood stick - gabonese flags 30 x 45 cm - banner 12x18 in with pole


gabon's national flag is rectangular with a ratio of 4:3. from top to bottom by green, yellow, blue three parallel horizontal rectangular composition.

green symbolizes rich forest resources, gabon is known as the "wood country", "green gold country"; yellow represents the sun yellow also represents rich mineral resources; blue is the ocean

  • finishing : seams and reforced edges

  • hanging : wood stick

  • material : light Polyester – wood pole

  • Use : inside and moderate outside

  • packaging : polybag

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