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world Cup greece flag car mirror covers with cheap price
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world Cup greece flag car mirror covers with cheap price

$0.40 - 0.55 / Pairs
2000 Pairs

The grece flag is a flag composed of blue and white dichroism, cross pattern and parallel strips. It is also the old flag of Greece. nine parallel strips of blue and white symbolize nine syllables of the slogan "lambda theta theta____" (not free, not willing to die). (Another is nine long strips symbolizing nine Greek goddesses of literature and art in mythology). The blue Cross symbolizes the white and blue Cross flag waved by the bishop of germanos House in bartra during the turkish Independence uprising in 1821. The official standard flag ratio is 3:2.

The width of the nine strips is 1/9 of the flag width, and the side length of the square area in the upper left corner is 5/9 of the flag width.



World Cup greece flag car mirror covers with cheap price

World Cup greece flag car mirror covers with cheap price

World Cup greece flag car mirror covers with cheap price

World Cup greece flag car mirror covers with cheap price

World Cup greece flag car mirror covers with cheap price

World Cup greece flag car mirror covers with cheap price

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