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martinique table desk flag mounted on a 10 inch black plastic stick staff (super polyester) cloth fabric
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martinique table desk flag mounted on a 10 inch black plastic stick staff (super polyester) cloth fabric
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martinique table desk flag mounted on a 10 inch black plastic stick staff (super polyester) cloth fabric


The martinique flag is the unofficial flag of the french overseas province of Martinique. this banner's history can be traced back to the published on august 4, 1766, a law, the law french colony of martinique and st. lucia ships must hang the french ensign, at a time when the french military flag style is in the centre of the flag is white cross, the four corners of the blue, in honor of saint Lucia, saint Lucia), four blue part within each have a L snake.

The viper in the flag is the bushmaster of Martinique, native to Martinique.

  • 4x6 inch Martinique table Desk flag mounted on a 10 inch Black plastic stick staff (Super Polyester) cloth Fabric (Sewn edges for Durability) 4”x6” 4inch x 6inch

  • each flag is individually sewn around the edges.

  • perfect for displaying on your desk or table, or for waving in a parade to show your national pride.

  • All of our 4x6 inch flags are mounted on a 10.5 inch plastic stick with a metallic golden spear top.

  • flag is made from 100% polyester and printed in bright colors.

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