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hand held guinea flag guinean flag stick flag small mini flag 50 pack round Top national country flags
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hand held guinea flag guinean flag stick flag small mini flag 50 pack round Top national country flags
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hand held guinea flag guinean flag stick flag small mini flag 50 pack round Top national country flags


The flag of guinea was adopted on 10 november 1958. The national flag is a rectangle with a ratio of 3:2. By three parallel equal vertical rectangular composition, from left to right in order for red, yellow, green three colors. Red symbolizes the blood of martyrs who fight for freedom, and also symbolizes the sacrifice of workers to build the motherland; yellow represents the country's gold, but also a symbol of the sun shining all over the country; green symbolizes the country's plants. Red, yellow and green are also pan-african colors, which guineans see as a sign of diligence, justice and solidarity.

  • quantity:50 pack stick flags

  • flag size:8.2" x 5.5",Stick size:11.8"

  • material:Plastic stick,polyester fabric flag

  • bright color:Weather and fade resistant

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